15 September 2020 This folder contains the latest master branch of radR. Subfolders include some other possibly useful information, and sample data (in sampledata). You MUST run radR on top of R version 2.5.1 (there are various dependencies). This isn't going to change! My lab is in the process of re-organizing this project, but that process ... ... may never complete! ... has an undefined timeline! You are welcome to use/modify any of the material in these directories ... I (Phil Taylor) will likely only be able to provide limited help and support for anything, but give me a try. ############### Older notes below here ############################### 12 May 2014 - xir3000arch: use difference between timestamps of consecutive sweeps as duration of each sweep. Previous methods using 'tick counts' embedded in .REC files proved unreliable (some files had them, some didn't). 27 May 2013 - seascanarch: make sure timestamps are being calculated without daylight savings time adjustments, since we're working in GMT. Fixes issues with timestamps and scan duration, the latter wreaking havoc with the tracker plugin. 16 May 2013 - added a script to fix (by truncation) blipmovies with "zero tails" (i.e. files whose last portion is all zeroes, instead of containing actual data.) Details and files to apply this to existing radR installations are here: https://radr-project.org/08_-_Current_Issues/Chopping_off_the_Zero_Tails_that_Break_Some_Blipmovies 14 May 2013 - retooled seascanarch plugin to handle archives with some segments gated, others not. You can now seek to arbitrary points in an ungated archive, although the GUI for this is somewhat broken: clicking to the left or right of the play window slider doesn't advance a single sweep, but only a "chunk". It may take dozens of such clicks to move forward or backward by a full sweep. The play and play-1 buttons *do* advance correctly by one full sweep at a time. (revised from 1 May 2013, which omitted part of the patch) Note: the USRP plugin in this version defaults to using only ACP pulses to delimit sweeps, because of issues we've had with wonky ARP (Heading) lines. To make your USRP plugin use the ARP (Heading) line as usual, add this line to your antenna_db/XXX_antenna.R file: use_acp_for_sweeps = 0 28 June 2012 - declutter plugin now handles tilter - new scripts: - convert_REC_to_blipmovie.R (convert folders of xir3000 .REC files into blipmovies) - usrp_diagnostics.R (acquire and plot raw signal from all four radar lines) - bug fixes 05 Dec 2011 - various bug fixes - new decluttering plugin - for tilter plugin users: please see a serious FIXME note here: http://radr-project.org/03_-_Current_Features_and_Plug-ins/The_tilter_plugin 06 Sep 2011 all branches: - (IMPORTANT) sample classification has changed: a sample is hot if its score is either above the high hot score threshold (as before) *or* if the score is below the low hot score threshold (NEW!) This means unusually dark areas of the sample matrix can be blips too. For radar data, you probably don't want "cold" blips, so the low hot score threshold should be set to a big negative integer (e.g. -128). This is the default, which mimics the earlier functionality. For video (camera) data, targets can be darker or lighter than background in grayscale, so the low hot score threshold might be set to something less extreme (e.g. -5). 02 Sep 2011 New numbering of radR releases: e.g. radR-BRANCH-DATETIME-PLATFORM.zip (binary) radR-BRANCH-DATETIME-src.tar.gz (source) BRANCH is e.g. "video", "stable" DATETIME is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS of most recent change to code PLATFORM is windows or unix video branch: - added rectangular coordinate handling for video plugin, so that interaction with plot window and calculation of patch parameters is correct radR 817 10 Aug 2011 Various fixes to stable windows version. New ONRESUME_PLAY hook allows resuming play when a live data source notices the radar is transmitting again. Only for XIR3000 so far. radR 777 13 Apr 2011 Fixes to tilter plugin: - tiltserv now returns correct angle history - learning over a volume pattern no longer bleeds blips from learned to unlearned angles radR 772 06 Apr 2011 The tilter plugin now requires rev 1.1 of the tilter board firmware (can be used on both rev 1.0 and rev 2.0 tilter boards). See notes in plugins/tilter/tilter.windows.conf.R for what to do if your TTL5USB9M shows up as a COM port above COM9 (which the plugin doesn't support). radR 764 10 Mar 2011 More bug fixes: - tracker: clean up behaviour around enable/disable, old filenames that are no longer valid, changing output filenames while playing - xir3000arch: timestamp fix for REC_TYPE_RLC_4 files; was incorrectly treating components of MS_FILETIME as signed, leading to timestamp inversions radR 760 8 Mar 2011 Bug fix release, mainly. main: try not to kill the event loop on errors. zone and tracker plugins: deal correctly with no-longer-valid names of files stored in configuration, and clean up some edge-case behaviour in creating/enabling/disabling the exclusion zone. rawarch plugin: silently correct archives where the last scan wasn't fully written to disk (e.g. due to power outage, or disk full). xir3000arch plugin: don't accept nonsensical dates in .REC files - defer to dates parsed from filenames in that case. seascanarch plugin: fix a typo that was preventing the faster main loop from operating when unpacking 12-bit data into 16-bit integers genblips: calculate correct time at which target is next seen by radar. radR 656 6 Oct 2010 The xir3000 plugin is now built against RTI SDK, which is more flexible about the location of XIR3000 firmware. The minimal required subset of the RTI SDK is now distributed as part of radR, and is used by default. The xenexarch plugin, for reading .REC files recorded by Russell Technologies software, has been renamed to xir3000arch, and now supports reading of files recorded as types RLC_3 and RLC_4. This version also fixes an apparently long-standing display bug wherein spatial coordinates at the mouse cursor were incorrect if the plot was rotated from its default orientation. radR 646 28 Sep 2010 Various fixes to the xir3000 plugin, especially in range cell size calculation. radR 642 6 Aug 2010 New plugin: xir3000 which operates an RTI XIR3000 USB video processor under RTI SDK The xenex plugin is now obsolete. Tilter: start/stop pattern with play. Correct a learning-at-different angles problem. radR 621 6 July 2010 Fix bug: plot info window wasn't being placed when created, which triggered continuous error messages in the Rterm console while moving the cursor through the plot window under certain conditions. radR 619 2 July 2010 Fix bug introduced in radR 616: don't update estimate of mean deviation for a stats cell when only 1 non-blip sample is in the cell; this was causing a divide-by-zero crash. radR 616 26 June 2010 Fixes to learning: we now estimate cell mean deviations during the learning phase in an unbiased manner, so that at the end of the learning phase, the estimates are already at the values to which they would converge in the original scheme. Fixes to the tilter plugin: deal correctly with learning at multiple tilt angles. radR 560 29 Apr. 2010 Important bug fix: filtering of blips by area was broken by revision 491 (21 March 2010). Blip areas were calculated correctly, but the min/max filtering limits were incorrectly applied. radR 551 21 Apr. 2010 When upgrading radR, the recommended procedure is now to extract the new version to a new folder, and then use the GUI menu to source the script called "copy_params_from_old_install", which will allow you to selectively copy parameters and antenna, palette and zone files from an older installation. This way, the old installation is preserved for your use in case you discover problems with the new one. radR 537 6 Apr. 2010 Bug fixes in creation of pulse metadata under edge cases (e.g. no data) radR 533 31 Mar. 2010 Fixes bugs in the tiltminder and tilter plugin usability issues. Old / rarely-used plugins are not loaded by default. radR 521 29 Mar. 2010 Deal gracefully with situations where the GUI gets temporarily out of sync with the internal state on slow platforms. Don't attempt to (re)start a tilter pattern without calibrating. Deal better with return code when issuing the tilter calibration command. radR 512 25 Mar. 2010 There is now a cutoff value for eliminating presumed receiver noise. Sample values below this parameter are set to zero (and so will never be classified as part of a blip). A value of zero (the default) does nothing. In the future, the antenna plugin will allow setting this value in dbm units, based on calibration of a particular radar+digitizer combination. For now, you must use your judgement. If you modify the value of the parameter while paused, the screen is updated to show the new filtering. However, if you reduce the threshold, you must reload the scan (e.g. move forward and backward one scan) to restore the zeroed data. Raw archives can now store their data in compressed form, without loss (and this is the default). This may save considerable disk space if the noise cutoff is positive, and/or an exclusion zone is created, and samples there are zeroed (this behaviour is now the default in an exclusion zone). You can turn off compression via a toggle in the rawarch plugin menu. radR499 22 Mar. 2010 radR now uses higher precision tilt angle estimates in calculating target positions. However, the plot window still uses only the constant tilt value corresponding to that of the first pulse when displaying raw data. radR480 11 Mar. 2010 This release reinstates tilter support, with a new client-server model that should generalize readily to other devices. radR does not yet use the higher precision angle estimates which this new model provides. radR425 19 Jan. 2010 This includes many small bug fixes from the past 8 months. New features include the ability to export full sample data for user- selected blips. This is intended for development and calibration work, and is documented here: http://www.radr-project.org/07_-_FAQ/13_Save_and_process_full_sample_data_for_multiple_blips Tilter support is broken in this release, but will be fixed soon. radR337 29 Apr. 2008 Changes have been made to the tracker plugin, but not in the stable version of radR. The changes are intended to make radR's implementation of the Multiframe Correspondence algorithm conform more closely to the algorithm described in the paper [1]. Specifically: The antenna angle is now used in calculation of the maximum possible observable distance between two targets. This maximum value is used in gain function calculations, and the new value, which is generally larger than the old value, will reduce gain values in most situations. The point-to-point gain is now multiplied by the factor (1-alpha) to match my revised understanding of the MFC paper. This will reduce the point-to-point gain values relative to the track-to-point gain values, and so it should reduce the chances of "track interruption" by new points. "track interruption" means an isolated point "steals" the tail from a real track. This can occur if an isolated point in scan N is very close to a new point in scan N+1, even if the new point is close to the location predicted from an existing track. It is still possible for this to happen, (because the MFC algorithm does not explicitly consider the possibility, it seems), but it will be less likely now. The penalty value, eps, which is intendend to help prevent tracks from missing blips, is now subtracted from any gain value where the two points (or track endpoint and new point) are not from consecutive scans. Up to now, this penalty was not being used in my code. If a track's most recent blip is from scan N, this penalty makes the blips from scans N+2, N+3, ... slightly less attractive than those from scan N+1. This will reduce the chances that tracks will "miss" blips. [1] K. Shafique and M. Shah (2005). "A Noniterative Greedy Algorithm for Multiframe Point Correspondence". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 27(1), pp. 51 - 65. radRstable 21 Apr. 2008 - The new "stable" branch is recommended for production use. No new features will be added to it, but bugs will be fixed. The less well tested but newer revisions will continue to be posted by revision number. Changes to the stable branch will appear in the 00README.TXT The first set of bug fixes makes batch processing work again. radR276 06 Mar. 2008 - console window improvements: - multiline copy/paste now works. When you hit Enter, everything between the previous prompt (or start of window) and the end of the window (or the next prompt) is accepted as input. To start a new line in your input without submitting it, use Shift+Enter. - "Home" and "End" keys move to the start and end of the current input, even if it has multiple lines. - at the start of an input line, the "Up" and "Down" keys move you through the input history (i.e. retriever lines you entered before). - if you edit a line from the input history, and wish to undo the changes, hit the "Esc" key. - if you change a line from the input history, and then retrieve another line from the input history with "Up" or "Down", the changes to the former line will be saved in the history. - console history is now saved if you save parameters when exiting radR - blip finding: blips now have a "range" attribute, which is the true centroid range; this is equal to: sqrt(x^2+y^2+(z-RSS$scan.info$elevation)^2) i.e. it takes into account the elevation of the antenna The variable "range" is available for use in a filtering expression. - tracker: output to the .CSV file now includes scan index and range for each blip - tracker multiframecorr model: - allow a user-specified R function to calculate the state for a target motion model; this means the entire tracker model can now be specified in R: gain function between pairs of points, gain function between a track and potential new points, and state update. The plugin comes with R versions of the internal C functions, which can be enabled from the radR console using this expression: with(TRACKER$models$multiframecorr, { set.gain.pp(gain.pp) set.gain.tp(gain.tp) set.new.state(new.state) }) Wiki documentation will be added soon. - preview in the plot-window is now implemented - genblips plugin: bug fixes - bliptrails plugin: now works correctly with single stepping. Also, retains all trail data in original units, and fades only for display, so the "fadeout factor" and "scans to retain" both do intuitive updates of the plot window when adjusted in preview mode. - gifmovie: gifsicle.exe was missing from distribution; getting of plot window+frame+titlebar was not working; a last frame was being generated and not incorporated into the .GIF movie in periodic capture mode - blipmovies: recording was not working if no score data were available (e.g. recording a new blipmovie from an old blipmovie archive) - batch processing with zones: allow a zone file to be specified in the batchparm.R file - the plugins loaded at radR startup appear in alphabetical order in the plugin menu. Plugins loaded manually appear at the end of that menu. radR233 24 Feb. 2008 - allow an R expression for filtering blips. This expression can use the variables x, y, z, t, aspan, rspan, max, int, area, ns (which are patch statistics) as well as the usual R functions. You can specify an expression for each special zone. Note: this is not yet well tested, and there are some caveats; see the wiki. radR229 19 Feb. 2008 - fixes to bugs in genblips, tracker, extmat package, some of which caused R crashes - new zone plugin menu options to enable/disable all, show/hide all, and rename zones - after doing a "Save zones as...", the default zone filename changes to the new name. - new antenna parameter: "true range of first sample (in metres)", which can be used to shrink or create a hole at the centre of radar data to correct for a bad trigger delay value when the data where digitized; i.e. this is the way to correct for range errors. This value can be: * Zero: no change. Ranges are already correct. * Positive: use this to increase the range of targets. An empty hole will appear in the middle of the plot, corresponding to missing data. This can correct for a trigger delay which was too large. * Negative: use this to decrease the range of targets. Samples will disappear from the middle of the screen. This can correct for a trigger delay which was too short (and will eliminate a hole at the middle of the screen.) TODO: When you play back a blipmovie and override this parameter with a negative value, all blips shift toward the centre of the screen. However, blips which disappear into the middle are still processed, even though they should be filtered. 30 Jan. 2008 radR192 - exclusion zone filtering of patches was leaving blips misnumbered, so, e.g., the tracker was building tracks regardless of the exclusion zone! - bliptrails are working again - the exclusion zone's palette is now explicitly showin in the display options window (the former zone plugin menu item for "blanking" the exclusion zone is gone). - when editing zones, the scan is reprocessed each time the geometry changes (e.g. at the end of dragging or resizing a zone segment); so the "finish edit" zone menu item no longer includes "and reprocess scan" 29 Jan. 2008 radR183 - fixes to major bugs in the zone plugin 26 Jan. 2008 radR176 - a new zone plugin allows creationg of zones where blips will not be found, and other zones where they will be filtered with different parameters - the gifmovie plugin can now also capture frames at fixed time intervals, rather than once per scan; this will be useful for creating "howto videos" once I figure out a good way to paint the mouse cursor into the captured frames - various bug fixes (some serious previously unexposed bugs in using negative indexes on extmats) 17 Dec. 2008 radR123 - by default, don't try to load hardware-based plugins; the user can use the plugin menu to load the appropriate ones the first time - if the user cancels loading of a hardware client library when asked where it is, the plugin load is cancelled and that plugin is marked as not-to-be-loaded next time radR is run (if the user chooses "save settings" when quitting radR). 12 Dec. 2008 radR122 - bug fixes and more precise semantics to processing loop; some GUI race conditions have been corrected, and if any remain, we have a simple framework (rss.defer.*) for dealing with them (e.g. choosing "No Sink" right after hitting "Stop" should no longer cause problems) - can preview data and single-step on live sources; any paused scan is processed in preview mode, then processed for real when "play" or "play1" is hit; after processing the last scan in an archive, it can be "postviewed" by changing parameters. (Scans from a live source may of course be lost if one waits too long, but this doesn't necessarily cause problems). - bug fix to seascanarch table of contents and scan times/durations - stats learning phase was undercounting number of accumulation scans by 1, which led to initial estimates of cell mean and deviation being too high, so that early scans after learning had fewer hot samples and blips than they should have had! - preliminary xenex plugin; crashes on close of device, but this is a vendor bug with a pending fix; still no way to set the reference level for A/D converter, so we're really only getting 7 bit data. - jump to start/end buttons on player; stop no longer automatically seeks to start. - restart learning button works more sensibly - turning blip finding on/off during play works as you'd expect: turning it back on uses whatever stats had last been learned, if any, and turning it off now correctly goes back to no hot pixels or blips. - mousewheel zoom now follows Google Maps convention (i.e. reverse of what it was) - to reset plot view to standard, now use Shift-Mouse Button 2, because bare Mouse Button 2 was often triggered by vigorous mouse wheeling - slightly cleaner and faster smoothed scan conversion - simplified hook function calling: e.g. rss.add.hook(DONE_SCAN, gui.print.cons(RSS$scan.info$timestamp)) (no quotes for hook names, expressions and calls automatically get wrapped in function(...){} - antenna plugin now has a heading correction parameter 13 Nov. 2008 radR76 - bug fixes to biglist/bigframe; some of these affect rawarch archives. *** Upgrading from radR59 is strongly recommended if you use raw archives or build tracks. - improvements to the build process on windows. - further work on the xenex plugin; it basically works with both the USB device and the IntegRadar server, but still lacks control over antennna-related parameters. 31 Oct. 2008 radR36: - rawarch plugin: fixed a bug that caused index files to be corrupted when more than one rawarch file was written in the same radR session. (the rawarch biglist files themselves were intact and the biglist index could be reconstructed by a single pass through the biglist. Code is available for this from the author.) - rawarch plugin: perform a rigorous check for correctness of the table of contents upon start.up() of an existing archive. If the check fails, the user is shown a proposed table of contents inferred from the file, and asked whether it should be written to disk - restore the alpha-blending (transparency) feature which had been inadvertently removed for timing tests 27 Oct. 2008 radR27: - the seascan plugin now correctly reads video gain and threshold information from the antenna file - batch processing now available on unix and windows 22 Oct. 2008 radR19: I've reset the revision numbering because I lost a big chunk of revision history when upgrading my development box. backups, backups, backups... ================================================================================ - the seascan plugin can now read data using a separate thread, maintaining the responsiveness of the GUI. This is determined by the "Use a separate thread..." option on the seascan menu, and by the configuration file option "get.scan.is.threaded" radR657 - in the main directory Bug fixes: - clicking on an active track draws circles around its points, again - the "Save Tracks to CSV file?" binary option in the tracker plugin menu is now correctly restored from its saved value. - the number of samples in a patch wasn't being saved to the .CSV file for the tracker; this made it look like perimeter was missing. radR650 - back in the main directory, as the tracker plugin is reasonably stable Bug fixes: - saving radR configuration no longer breaks radR (bug in the pointerinfo plugin) - range ring distances are correct - angle for T-bars is no longer forced to zero New features: - perimeters (in metres) are now available as part of the stats for patches - all stats for every patch are available through the data.frame RSS$patches. Each column is an extmat, but you can access this data.frame in much the same way as you can a normal data.frame, except that you can't (yet) use logical vectors for indexing. e.g. WON'T WORK: RSS$patches[RSS$patches$area > 100,] INSTEAD DO: RSS$patches[which(RSS$patches$area > 100),] (I'll add logical indexing to the extmat package soon.) Those patches which have passed the curret filters for area, number of samples, angular and radial span, (aka "blips") are listed in RSS$blips, an integer vector. i.e. the full stats for all blips is given by: RSS$patches[RSS$blips,] - these full stats are saved in the .CSV files by the tracker, and in the blips biglist - screen geometry is now represented internally by "metres per pixel" rather than "pixels per sample". This allowed cleaning up of various coordinate issues, and means you can get range rings and range info from the pointer info plugin even when you haven't loaded any radar data. - the gain functions used by the multiframecorr tracker model are now available in R, if you don't like the built-in C defaults. There are R versions which mirror the calculations done in C; these can be enabled, replacing the C versions like so: with(TRACKER$models$multiframecorr, {set.gain.pp(gain.pp); set.gain.tp(gain.tp)}) Use of the internal C versions can be restored by doing with(TRACKER$models$multiframecorr, {set.gain.pp(NULL); set.gain.tp(NULL)}) The R versions are in plugins/tracker/multiframecorr.model.R, called gain.pp and gain.tp. You can define your own. I'll be adding GUI items for these soon. - the compass and range-ring controls are now spinboxes, letting you enter values directly (a long-standing promise to Carolyn, finally fulfilled) - time display in the pointerinfo window and the plot window title now include milliseconds and deciseconds, respectively. The time in the plot window title corresponds to the time for the first pulse in the current scan. As the cursor moves, time is displayed only to the nearest pulse. Time for blips has higher resolution since it is an average of pulse times. - the timezone should now be consistently used and is configured via the timezone variable in radR.conf.R By default, it is GMT. radR594 (in "alpha" directory) Bug fixes: - the tracker is starting to behave as it should; many low-level bugs have been fixed New feature: - you can hit the "h" key in the plot window to hide all but the currently selected track. When a track is selected, other tracks are not automatically highlighted. Select / deselect a track by clicking on it with the left mouse button. Select / deselect an anchor point on the track (for gain calculation) by clicking on it with the left mouse button. radR585 (in "alpha" directory) Bug fixes: - several bugs in the tracker have been fixed, especially in the multiframe correspondence model Changes: - to help diagnose tracker issues, and improve on the gain functions for multiframe correspondence, you can now click on an active (i.e. not yet complete) track in the track window, and see all of its points circled. By clicking on a circle, you select it as the base from which to calculate gain as the cursor moves around the screen. The time difference used to calculate the gain is modified to match that of the scan following the one containing the selected point. i.e. if you select a point from 5 scans back, then the gain is calculated by pretending the cursor is 4 scans back. - the underlay plugin is much faster now, and only operates in "nice" mode. Outstanding issue: when using the tracker on the Artificial blips source, single-stepping will cause the tracker to miss scans. Workaround: record from an artificial blips source to a blipmovie, then use the tracker on that movie. radR564 (in "alpha" directory) Bug fixes: - the genblips plugin's hooks were setting num.scans.to.learn = 0, even when that plugin was not the source of data; this caused processing to proceed without a learning phase. - end.run() was being called even when no sink existed, leading to an error on the console when hitting "STOP" in some cases. Changes: - refactored code for rawarch plugin to make pieces more accessible to users wanting to write code to import binary data from arbitrary formats radR558 (in "alpha" directory) Bug fixes: - the nearestneighbour tracker model was broken by a small recent change in the calling sequence for start.new.track(); it's now corrected - the raw archive reader/writer is much faster; I was using the R "raw" type instead of a "string" for storing the raw scan data, and surprisingly, R is much faster at un/serializing the latter than the former. New features: - the "genblips" plugin provides a new data source consisting of artificial blips from dynamically modelled targets and random noise For now, this is mainly useful for testing the tracker models, and all blips have the same size and shape. This will eventually make sensible use of radar cross sections, and allow overlaying of modelled blips and noise on real datasets, for more realistic testing of both blip finding/identification and track construction. Data generated by "genblips" can be saved as a blipmovie. - for plugin "controls" windows, there is now a preliminary way to allow R expressions to be entered as parameters (in the genblips plugin, this allows the user to specify the target motion model). radR547 (in "alpha" directory) Main new anti-feature: - radR now requires R version 2.4.0 or later; I will try to keep such upgrade requirements to a minimum, but there have been some changes since R 2.3.1 that are difficult to do without Main new features: - the tracker now uses file-backed biglist/bigframe s to save blips, scans and tracks to disk, quite apart from whether you choose to write a .CSV file. - new multiframe correspondence tracker model - new rawarch plugin for reading/writing full raw data from scans radR461 (in "alpha" directory) Bug fixes: - adding a BLIP hook no longer filters out all blips (no plugins were using this hook any more, so this lay undetected for some time - thanks Mike!) - splash message is now written to console instead of the plot window, avoiding a race that the message sometimes lost - when resizing the plot window in tk plotting mode, show (or not) range rings and compass according to the current switch settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r457 | (no author) | 2007-04-26 07:41:06 -0400 (Thu, 26 Apr 2007) | 4 lines M radR.conf.R - set restart.learning.after.stop to TRUE, since not restarting learning after a stop is likely only useful for testing radR456 (in "alpha" directory) Usability fixes: - when you use the "X" button to close a radR window (except for the plot window), that window is withdrawn so it no longer appears in the window manager's (e.g. Windows') window list - withdrawn windows can be restored from the "View" submenu - the pointerinfo window now behaves more cleanly as the cursor approaches the window border, and some flashing has been removed - when the pointerinfo window is anchored, dragging it or moving the cursor through it updates the window contents - when switching from dish to tbar antenna types, the angle for the dish is remembered - by default, the tracker plugin is disabled Bug fixes: - no longer crash when trying to open a Seascan .DAT file that Seascan (the program) already has open. Unfortunately, you now just get an obscure message in the console window (error handling/reporting in radR needs overhaul) The fact that you can't read the archive while Seascan has it open is because Seascan locks out other (even read-only) processes from its current archive. To use the archive from radR, do ONE of these things: - shut down Seascan - open a different archive within Seascan - from inside radR, connect to the Seascan server on the Tape Playback channel - missing or renamed antenna files no longer cause radR to crash on startup - parameter file saving under a user-specified file now works again - a bug was interrupting saving of radR's state on exit, so things like plugin enable/disable status were not saved radR442 (in "alpha" directory) - pointerinfo window can be locked in place by unchecking a new button on its menu; the window can then be manually repositioned by dragging with the left mouse button - fixed bug in palette editor when palette has (effectively) only one colour - udpated documentation (for wiki) on tracker, with diagrams radR433 (in "alpha" directory) - extensive bug fixes to tracker infrastructure; previewing of tracks is much improved; ghost tracks are gone; single-blip-tracks are shown with a (configurable) symbol - fix to longstanding (since radR2XX?) bug with live radar; sources where is.seekable is FALSE were never resetting RSS$have.previewed.scan to FALSE, and hence never getting scans after the first radR420 (in "alpha" directory) - fixes some bugs in tracker infrastructure - first release of the (tiny) antenna plugin for keeping track of radar antenna features such as type ("dish" or "tbar"), beam angle above horizon, etc. - blips and tracks are now treated in 3d spatial coordinates, when antenna characteristics allow this (e.g. a dish pointing at an angle above the horizon). Plugins such as saveblips, pointerinfo, and underlay should now be 3d-aware. radR415 (in "alpha" directory) - first release of a tracker plugin. This has only a very dumb nearest-neighbour model for assembling tracks, but it includes pretty much all of the track supporting infrastructure. This is an "alpha" release for feedback on the interface and infrastructure functionality. It is nearly useless for actually getting tracks except for very well behaved targets. This radR368 - re-implemented the plot display in pure Tcl/Tk; the original platform- specific gui is still available because it is much faster for, e.g. viewing blip movies However, the Tcl/Tk plot display will allow simple addition of new items such as tracks, and (for linux) means running radR over a network now works (the unix platform gui code assumes the display is local, and is optimized for this). - last release before work on tracking begins radR340 - saveblips has been simplified and sped up by processing all blips from a scan at once; the DONE_SCAN hook calls rss.get.all.blips to get all blip data, then uses tapply to calculate statistics by blip, and write.table with append=TRUE to dump these to the blips file. SAVEBLIPS no longer uses a BLIP hook. - bliptrails now leaves scan.mat, class.mat, and score.mat alone. (scan preview when pausing was causing bliptrail-modified matrices to be included in stats updats, which is bad) The golden rule: scan conversion does not affect data is followed (again). - simplified logic: storage-tube and last-N-scans now differ only in what you'd expect: whether they store all scans so far or just the last n. Also, storage tube trails do not get faded. Sample data are always retained, whether faded or not. Trails are painted in a layer above the background (see underlay, below) but under the 3 samples classes. It "pretends" to have class "other", so turning off that display hides the trails (but doesn't prevent them from being generated internally; disable the bliptrails plugin to do that). - underlay plugin; can read a gif (with transparency info) and scale/rotate/pan to display as background (you need to turn off display of e.g. cold pixels to see it) Entirely in R, so not very fast, especially in "nice" mode; works fastest if most of the gif is transparent (i.e. has alpha channel < 128) as might be the case in an outline map. Piggybacks on tcltk's gif/PPM file reader. radR320 Mainly refinements to the bliptrails plugin - I hadn't thought about what to do with the blip trails if you manually moved through an archive. It seems natural to just retain each blip no matter where (in time) the next scan is. That way, if you mousewheel back and forth, the trails will too. So a blip just behaves like a (possibly fading) crayon. - There are new controls to change the number of scans retained and the tail fadeout. (Any other plugin can now take advantage of the same mechanism for adding a GUI control for a parameter.) - There was a bug: only (N-1), rather than N scans were effectively being stored. Now you should see N "shadows" for each blip. (N is something you can now set; see above) - Just to be clear on the sample values you see if you point the cursor at blip trails: retained blip data is "faded out" with each scan. If you set the fadeout to 1.0, you preserve the blip data until N scans have elapsed, otherwise, the values get smaller and smaller. If you want to see the unfaded raw sample values for the last N scans, you need to do this: - use "last N scans" mode - check "raw sample data" under "Old blip data to retain" - set fadeout = 1.0 Tail data are painted in from oldest to newest, so that if former positions of blips from different scans overlap, the data are for the more recent blip. If positions of different blips from the same scan overlap, there is no way to know which blip the data are for. - this was just a first attempt at the bliptrails plugin. If you don't like something about how it works, let me know. radR314 - another bugfix which would cause problems when switching between archives if the archive switched to had blips in the first scan (e.g. a blipmovie recorded from part of another blipmovie) - bliptrails plugin: this provides two ways of leaving trails behind blips. This is going to be useful for working on tracking, and was a nice test of the infrastructure, exposing a couple of important bugs in other areas. In "last N scans", the locations of old blips are painted in class "other", either using actual sample data or bogus sample data (the latter is faster, the former lets you use the pointer to read sample values from old blips). You can also retain scores for the old blips (the only purpose of which is to let you look at the score values with the pointer). Retaining sample and/or score data slows down the plugin, although even with no blip filtering in the worst of Carolyn's rain archive, it still chugs along faster than real time. Retaining sample data gives more "realistic" trails, since their intensity matches that of the original blip. There are two control parameters that I haven't made a GUI for yet, and they are in the plugins/bliptrails.conf.R file: - num.scans.kept: how many scans are blips retained for (i.e. what is "N" in "last N scans") - fadeout: how quickly do old blips fade in brightness. Old blip data is multiplied by this number on each scan, so if it is 1.0, old blips don't fade (but they still disappear after N scans). In practice, 0.8 seems to be a nice effect, but you can change it. For craziness, you can use a number > 1. The gamma for the "Other" palette also affects how well trails show up. There are some automatic attempts at reasonable values by the GUI, but you still have full control. In "storage tube" mode, the locations of old blips are painted into the background, so you need to turn off "cold blips" plotting to see them. Old blips are saved indefinitely (but using a fixed amount of memory regardless of how many blips there are), but displayed in only one colour (which you can choose by editing the singlecolour palette for the "Other" class). This is fast, but the paint gets pretty thick pretty fast. You can clear it from the plugin menu. There is no fadeout in this mode. radR306 ("Bugfixes In Honour Of The Canal Opening For Skating" edition) - a problem with saveblips that was messing up the first scan's worth of data has been fixed. (It only happened if you enabled the saveblips plugin *after* opening an archive). - a problem with the blipmovie archive reader has been fixed. It only caused problems if you turned blip filtering on and off while playing a blip movie. - some problems with re-saving configuration files has been fixed. (in particular, mouse and keyboard event bindings were not being properly rewritten because of multiple bindings to the same window tag. The gui.bindings.conf.R file format has been slightly reworked to get around this issue. Both these bugs were introduced in the last week or two. It turns out that CS_060914_birdsAfterRain blipmovie is fine. My apologies for the hassles there! - I've reorganized the plugin menus back into their original format. The infrastructure is still there for adding fancily- labelled top-level menus, but for many purposes, those are probably just a hassle. - there's a rudimentary help option that sends your browser in search of radR resources - Alt-Up, Alt-Down and their combinations with Shift and Control now generate mousewheel events regardless of what window has focus. You can use these if your mouse is "legs-only". Mousewheel events are always sent to the control under the cursor, regardless of window focus. radR287 - palettes are now 1024 (or higher, if you ask me) colours each (instead of 64) and more customizable, which lets you set up colour gradients to better reveal detail in blips etc. on the screen - when viewing data in scores mode, you need to select a sensible palette, of which, so far, there is only "scoreredblue". Scores are signed quantities (i.e. can be negative) unlike raw samples, and so a "signed" palette is required to view them. You can create more signed palettes by copying the file palettes/scoreredblue.palette.R to palettes/WHATEVER.palette.R (WHATEVER will be the name you see inside radR), and then editing inside radR and saving configuration when you quit. The only difference between signed and unsigned palette files is the parameter "signed", which is TRUE for the former. - scan conversion has been made more sensible. For each class of sample (cold, hot, blip, ...(coming soon)), you can select whether to display those samples (you get background colour if not), what palette to use, and what gamma to use. This is useful in its own right and will make it easy to add an underlay plugin for showing local geography or whatever. You can change the background colour from its default black to whatever by changing pix.mat.background in radR.conf.R (there will be an onscreen control for this at some point). - mousewheel handling bugs have been fixed: whatever you point the mousewheel at, something sensible should happen there. (Mock-mousewheel keyboard strokes like Alt+Up still only work in the plot window; I'll add them to the palette editor, which is the only other place I can think of where there isn't already a keyboard way of getting the functionality) - windows screen update should be smoother and faster. radR255: NEW DOWNLOAD LOCATION: http://discovery.acadiau.ca/radR/ (this can be reached from the wiki) You can add files to this directory by placing them in the folder /home/www/html/radR on discovery. I have moved Phil's blipmovies folder there, and added a blipmovie of the March 7 2006 roof archive (with scores). - blipmovies with scores: new blipmovies will have a fourth file, WHATEVER.scr, which holds scores. If the source from which the blipmovie is recorded has scores, they are saved there. If not, the file will be filled with zeroes. If a blipmovie without a .scr file is opened (e.g. an existing blipmovie), then scores are not available. This multi-file format for blipmovies is both annoying and space-wasting, but it is easy to read values from R (wiki entry on that coming soon). You can always zip the 3 or 4 files into an .ZIP archive if you want to email it to someone (they'll have to unzip it to use it, of course). - excluding blips from stats updates. Theory: the cell mean and deviance are supposed to characterize the "background" reflectivity of a region in the scan. If samples are designated part of a "blip", they are not background, and their values should not be used in updating stats for the cell (including them will bias upward the estimates of cell mean and deviance, thereby reducing the probability of the blip sample being identified as such on subsequent scans). Up until now, radR didn't exclude blip samples from stats updates, but instead, provided the "cold_score_threshold" as a way to work around this bias: samples that were in "blips" in the previous scan would be treated as hot samples (and so eligible to be parts of blips) if their scores exceeded the "cold_score_threshold", which was lower than the hot_score_threshold. This is murky and still biases the cell mean up so that blips tended to flicker in and out of existence if they didn't move too quickly. The new (optional, but on by default) approach is to actually do the right thing and exclude blip samples from updating stats cells (in particular, if all of a cell's samples are blip samples, the stats for that cell don't change on that scan). There is a GUI checkbox for this option, called "exclude blips from stats update", which is on by default. There is still a coldscore threshold and it is still used. To force it not be used (so that only the "exclude blips" approach is taken), set the coldscore to a value at least as big as the hot score, in which case it has no effect. I will soon remove the coldscore threshold feature, as it is both hard to explain and a less natural and less correct approach to the problem. Comments welcome. - getting data for all blips in a scan. (wiki entry coming soon) The new function rss.get.all.blips() returns a 3 x n matrix of all sample coordinates for all blips in the current scan. Column 1 is blip #, column 2 is sample #, column 3 is pulse #. To get the raw data for all blips, you can do this: ab <- rss.get.all.blips() x <- RSS$scan.mat[ab] ## a k x 2 matrix: column 1 is blip #, ## column 2 is raw sample value sc <- RSS$score.mat[ab] ## all zeroes if the current source is ## an old blipmovie; otherwise, column 1 ## is blip #, column 2 is score Note that scores are stored as integers and must be divided by 1024 to get actual z-score. To get the data for just blip 5, say: x <- RSS$scan.mat [ab[ab[,1] == 5], 2:3] sc <- RSS$score.mat[ab[ab[,1] == 5], 2:3] This first grabs the submatrix of ab that has coordinates of blip #5, then uses that to index the scan and score matrices. Indexing of scan and score matrices uses the last two columns of the matrix you pass to it (e.g. ab), and carries over any other columns as labels. If there are no other columns, the data is radR248: - don't create empty runs in blipmovies; if an existing blipmovie is opened and its last run is empty, it is dropped from the table of contents; if it is opened as a sink, the empty run is overwritten by the next recording session. Note: if an existing blipmovie archive has an empty run that is not its last run, the empty run still shows up in the table of contents, unfortunately. radR246: - preliminary support for ungated seascan archives; no directory is available, but they can be played through - play/pause/play-one logic cleaned up radR241 FIXED: - minor bug in unpacking 12-bit data from seascan archives (only affected samples 2, 4, and 6 in pulse 1 of each scan, but still a bit embarassing) - radR_X_Y_Z.bat icons should now work again for launching radR directly; choose the one corresponding to the version of R you want to use (2.3.1 and 2.4.0 tested and work; 2.3.0 may require a rebuild by me - let me know if you want it) - apparently radR236 was not running on some platforms, for reasons unknown. After the meetings this week, I will put in a more thorough testing system for vetting new versions of radR before upload - reading an archive via SeaScan didn't switch between different scan runs radR236 FIXED: checkbox handling was broken in places like the plugin enable/disable radR235 FIXED: writing blip movies doesn't crash radR on exit FIXED: playing to the end of a file doesn't quit the event loop 3. FIXED: The seascan plugin isn't accessible. That will be fixed very shortly (it just doesn't have menu entries). ====================================================================== Outstanding Issues: 1. The runradRxxx.bat radRxxx.exe are broken (at least on my machine - if you can actually get radR to run by double clicking on the radR icon, let me know!). You will have to run Rgui (or Rterm from the command line) and then manually change directory and source("radR.R"). To save a step, you can create a desktop shortcut to Rgui that starts in the radR directory. (Copy the "R" icon, right click and choose properties; select the "Shortcut" panel, then change the "Start in:" field to the appropriate folder.) 2. You need to have R version 2.3.1 or later. I can rebuild for R 2.3.0 if anyone needs it. I have tested on R 2.4.0 and it also works. 4. After hitting "Ok" on the dialog for choosing a file for seascanarch or blipmoviearch, a mysterious invisible window with title "tk" has focus. Clicking on any other radR window causes the mystery window to be destroyed. While the mystery window exists (which you can see from the menu bar or Alt-TAB window switcher), mousewheel events over radR windows are ignored. 5. Using the mousewheel (say over the plot window) when the console has focus scrolls the console as well as manipulating the window under the mouse. ====================================================================== Usage Notes: 2. mouse manipulation of compass and range rings: - holding Shift while dragging with the left mouse button drags the range rings (i.e. sets their spacing); you can just do Shift + left Click to move the closest ring to where the mouse is. - holding Control while dragging with the left mouse button sets the compass ring radius; you can just do Control + left Click to set its location to where the mouse is 1. graphics controls can be customized in the file gui.bindings.conf.R, although this can be a bit tricky. Some key controls: - as long as some radR window has focus, mousewheel events are redirected to the underlying control, whether or not it has focus. So if the mouse is over the slider bar in the player, the wheel will cause the scan to step forward or backward - in the plot window, Ctrl or Shift + mousewheel causes plot rotation by a large or small amount. - in the plot window only, Alt-keys can be used to get mousewheel functions if your mouse doesn't have a wheel: Alt+Up/Down: zoom in/out Alt+Shift+Up/Down: rotate plot by a single azimuth Alt+Ctrl+Up/Down: rotate plot by multiple azimuths - middle mouse button (or the key "=" ) in the plot window restores the plot to default zoom, pan, and rotation - each mousewheel "click" on the Play-1 button advances